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Barbara Kenny Rogers Goodbye October 25, 2024
Barbara Pepper 5 yrs September 30, 2024
Wiinky's twin
Barbara Pepper September 30, 2024
Pepper at 5 yrs
barbara love you September 26, 2024
Miss you today and every day
barbara pepper September 26, 2024
Pepper looks just like Winky and I got her from the same shelter as Winky. She was about a year and a half old when I got her and she was in the shelter for over 7 months and I couldnt stand the fact that she was caged soo long. She is almost 5 now and the best company for me.  You would love her.
barbara pepper September 26, 2024
Pepper looks just like Winky and I got her from the same shelter as Winky. She was about a year and a half old when I got her and she was in the shelter for over 7 months and I couldnt stand the fact that she was caged soo long. She is almost 5 now and the best company for me.  You would love her.
Barbara Pepper September 26, 2024
Winkys twin 

barbara Pepper September 25, 2024
She looks like Winky's twin
barbara I wish September 25, 2024
I wish
barbara Pepper September 23, 2024
barbara Winkys clone September 23, 2024
barbara Pepper cat September 23, 2024
Tell Winky she is missed but here is her clone named Pepper
barbara not a day goes by September 23, 2024
This is so true
barbara Official first grade pic September 21, 2024
Here is James' official first grade pic. This little man is so amazing!
barbara When I go September 20, 2024
This is exactly what you told me but its so hard without you even after all these years.
Barbara James is in first grade now September 20, 2024
James is in first grade now and he can ride a bike on his own. Such a smart little man. Wish you were here to see him grow.
Barbara James is in first grade now September 20, 2024
James is in first grade now and he can ride a bike on his own. Such a smart little man. Wish you were here to see him grow.
Barbara Miss you lots today September 20, 2024
You lose them over and over,
sometimes on the same day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up,
andattacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realization hits home,
they are gone.
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken,
so does your memory,
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.
Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea,
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realize,
they are gone,
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every day,
for a lifetime.
Barbara Just miss you today September 20, 2024
You lose them over and over,
sometimes on the same day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up,
andattacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realization hits home,
they are gone.
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken,
so does your memory,
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.
Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea,
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realize,
they are gone,
You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every day,
for a lifetime.
BARBARA JEAN GRONAS Missing you April 9, 2024
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Total Memórias: 67
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