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Barabra Happy Anniversary 37 years ago today March 26, 2020
It was 37 years ago today that I married the man of my dreams. My life partner who was taken so soon from me. I could never imagine being with anyone but you because you showed me what real love was. You showed me friendship, honesty, the willl to live and how to fight for life. You showed me dreams and hopes and how to survive in this world without you.  I cry a lot and miss you so much that no one can understand what I go thru everyday without you, without your smile, your hugs, your kisses and without ever hearing your voice except in my dreams which seem so real that I sometimes wake up looking for you but you arent there. I have an empty heart. Oh what I wouldnt give to hold you or touch you or see your smile or hear your voice or smell you one more time. I love you and miss you forever until we meet again someday in the afterlife.
Barbara I found a penny today December 9, 2019
Barbara Just mising you December 9, 2019
Barbara Just mising you December 9, 2019
Barbara Missing you always July 14, 2019
Barbara Missing you always July 14, 2019
Barbara your heart July 14, 2019
Barbara Your grandson James John 7/18/2018 6.8 lb 18 in August 14, 2018
Your new grandson
Barbara Your diagnosis April 4, 2018
I remember how devasting your cancer diagnosis was.  You tried to deny it. The when you did get help, you walked right out of the hospital when visiting hours were over and you went down the elevator, hospital gown, iv pole and butt hanging out.  Remember Sgt. Larry Irvine got you walking down Charleston and brought you back.
Well honey, Dave has brain cancer.  He needs God's help.  I need you to ask God to heal Dave.  You know how it was when you got diagnosed.  But for Dave, the glioblastoma is deadly. His chances are not good. Dave needs all the help he can get.  Please intervene is this one.  He has a daughter that he is so close to and she is only 4.  She needs her daddy like Brandy needed you.  His wife Julie needs him like I needed you and still need you.  You are always in my heart and always will be my angel in heaven that I call upon for help.  I love you.  Please talk to Jesus.  All my love forever and always.
Barbara I cant wait to see you again October 14, 2017
Barbara He only takes the best but I still hurt October 14, 2017
Barbara I miss you October 14, 2017
Mrs. Count My Heart Misses You September 26, 2017
barbara gronas I miss you more each day! April 29, 2017
barbara gronas I miss you! January 1, 2017
The Stilettoes In Memory April 14, 2013
Steve “The Count” passed away October 2009.

His brother, George passed away December 2011.

Both brothers were associated with several nostalgia groups throughout the years. "The Count" and George "Daddy O" and are together again in Doo Wop heaven.
They both will be missed by The Stilettoes and all who knew them.

Jerry Eagon
I'm so sad. I just found the news about Steve's death. After all these years, I kick myself for not making an effort to see him again. I am Jerry Eagon, a member of the Invictas band, and played with Steve, Denny Sabo, and Bob Ternyak in 1960-62. I played rythym guitar and did most of the vocal work. Denny was lead guitar, Bob played Bass. Denny & I went to California & then got drafted. I had not known that Steve carried on with his own group(s) and kept the music alive.
I'll NEVER forget the laughs and fun we had rehearsing down in the basement of the Gronas house (on Westwood?) with Steve's Mom & Dad listening to us. His Dad would refer to his drums as "Swingerlands"! His Mom fed us till our bellys popped. We played all over the Detroit area - record hops, roller rinks, The Thunderbowl, etc.
I wasn't sure it was Steve, until I saw the video of him dancing with his daughter. It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered his crazy sense of humor, and his broken syntax way of saying things. I would love to see some photos of the band in the old days, as I didn't have any, and haven't found anyone who did.
I think I still have some home movies of Steve and us playing in my folks basement in Elkhart. When they were taken I don't remember - early 60's I guess.
If someone close to Steve reads this, I would LOVE to hear from you and share some old memories of the old Invictas.
With a sad heart,
Jerry Eagon
Mrs Count
Hon, I tell everyone I am happy and doing fine but I'm not.  I cant feel you here with me and I miss you so much. Today was Ronnie's birthday and we went to dinner and I started to cry at the restaurant.  I cried back at their house.  I dont think I can go on much longer.  I only want to be with you and I dont care about anything else. I am miserable without you.  Why did you give up, why did you let me give you up.  I didnt want to let you go.  I loved you more than life itself and I am sorry I didnt tell you more often.  I took you for granted.  I thought you were coming home and I was going to tell you at home.  I would do anything to turn back the hands of time and I would hold you and kiss you and tell you how much you mean to me and never let you go.  You deserved more.  I should have stood up and taken you home and we could still be together.  Its my fault, I am sorry.  Please be with me.  I need you more than ever.  I love you!!!!
You will see him again.


I read your " Life Story" post. First of all, Steve did love you and Brandy very much. He told me so many many times. Sis, there was nothing you did to cause Steve to leave here any sooner. God knew when He was gonna take Steve before he was born. I know that the thoughts of "If only I would've" are there every which way you turn around, but remember, God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground. He is in control. I have to thank Him for His mercy, because if we were in control, I bet our life span would be much shorter. Steve knew Jesus, and by your words it sounds as if you do too. You will see Steve again. The blood of Jesus is His promise.


May His blessing of peace be with you and Brandy and the rest of Steve’s family.

Lots of very big hugs your way,

Johnnie Sue Bridges


Marilyn Imber

Steve my best memory of you is when I came to the hospital and asked you if you were ready to meet your maker and you said yes . I then aked if you wanted me to pray with you . You said yes. So together we prayed the sinners prayer .   I know without a doubt you are with your Lord and Savior resting in his presence and His peace. Can't wait to see you there walking on streets of gold and spending enternity togehter.  You were a good person Steve  and a wonderful husband and father and giving of yourself to others . You will always be in our hearts.

Love your sister -in -Law


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