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This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Steve "The Count" Gronas who was born in Michigan on April 7, 1945 and passed away on October 22, 2009. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
He loved to sing doo wop, , play the drums. Loved kruise nights.  He enjoyed working on trophies, door prizes, classic cars.  He loved his wife and daughter and their cat Winky.
Steve was the best husband and father anyone could ask for. He often sacrificed things he loved to give to his family the things that they loved. Never a bad word spoken, always a loving heart to everyone. He loved us very much and just wish I had told him more that I loved him in his final days. I dont know why, I only know I miss Steve dearly with all my heart and no one can ever take his place. He was too young but God has him now and I wish I could be there with him. I love you hon! You will always be in my heart until we meet again.
Please feel free to look around and light a candle, add your own memory and add your own pictures. I believe it is near the bottom of each page and I am sure everyone will enjoy your comments and pics.  This is the best way I know to keep his memory alive.

The daddy-daughter dance to "unforgettable"   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59x8rK1SC_I
The Count on Drums to Black and Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04bkKVUbW-E
LEE3 loved to play drums loved to sing kool_nite johhny and wife GIL2 gil bridges honkers 1 LYNN mr. and mrs. count Spyder Turner steve X georgeous george steve and son in law2 some friends Smile
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